Whether access to the interstate or the Great Miami Recreational Trail, Moraine’s infrastructure is a boon. Developers and major business stakeholders agree that highway accessibility is a major attraction for the City. Opportunities have been identified to set Moraine up for continued success through its infrastructure, such as improving trail connectivity and actively participating in other agencies’ project planning. Since the bulk of Moraine’s infrastructure is in solid shape this section focuses on examining where enhancements to these systems (i.e., roads, sewers, bridges, trails, etc.) can help initiate or enhance the goals of this Plan’s other sections.
Create a vibrant destination.
Promote a balanced development pattern to meet the community’s needs.
Maintain infrastructure and support job creation.
Diversify housing options.
Leverage infrastructure assets that make Moraine a desirable destination.
STRATEGY: Create a “fly-in community” by linking the Airpark and adjacent houses with private hangars and ensure the City’s zoning ordinance permits these as accessory uses.
STRATEGY: Improve bike and multi-use trail connectivity throughout the City and with neighboring communities, notably Sellar’s Bridge leading into Focus Area One.
STRATEGY: Continue to monitor the roads in Moraine under the City’s jurisdiction to maintain their ability to move people and goods through the City.
Make the development focus areas identified in this Plan ready for private development.
STRATEGY: Contact Montgomery County Environmental Services to gather flow information, evaluate existing tap fees already paid to determine what credits are available for redevelopment opportunities, and assess if capacity fees have been paid for the development focus areas.
STRATEGY: Work with utility providers to create an “early warning” system to alert staff to potential issues with existing businesses, such as decreases in power or water usage, lower electric bills, etc.
STRATEGY: Develop and follow a capital improvement plan.
What Did We Hear?
Key Trends from community input on infrastructure:
Major employer stakeholders expressed concerns about no public transit service for their third-shift employees. Many manufacturing employees have challenges with reliable personal transportation.
The Jefferson Regional Water Authority serves the far western portions of the City. The sewer and water infrastructure in this area is adequate for the future development contemplated in this plan. Existing water main sizing is smaller, and flows are less than ideal for commercial development.
A proposed sidewalk/shared-use path would be reconstructed on the west side of the bridge, and the east sidewalk would be eliminated. Four lanes of vehicular traffic will be maintained on the bridge along with a barrier-separated 11 foot sidewalk/shared-use path.